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자바스크립트 Promise에 대하여 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises Using promises - JavaScript | MDN A Promise is an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. Since most people are consumers of already-created promises, this guide will explain consumption of returned promises before explaining how to create them. developer.mozilla.org 1. 개요 프로.. 2023. 2. 7.
자바스크립트 this에 대하여 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this this - JavaScript | MDN A function's this keyword behaves a little differently in JavaScript compared to other languages. It also has some differences between strict mode and non-strict mode. developer.mozilla.org 1. 서론 자바스크립트의 this는 다른 언어의 this와 조금 다르다고 합니다. 자바스크립트의 this는 런타임 시점에서 어떤놈을 가리킬지 결정되며, strict 모드와 non-str.. 2023. 2. 2.
자바스크립트 상속 그리고 프로토타입이란 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain Inheritance and the prototype chain - JavaScript | MDN JavaScript is a bit confusing for developers experienced in class-based languages (like Java or C++), as it is dynamic and does not have static types. developer.mozilla.org 1. 개요 상속의 관점에서 자바스크립트는 자바나 C++처럼 일반적인 객체지향 언어와 조금 다릅니다. 자바스크립트는 기본적으로 Object만 .. 2023. 1. 31.